"You have the experience, poise and interpersonal communication skills to speak with senior level audiences… [and] the intellectual horsepower & flexibility to engage people on a wide range of complex topics… You occupy a very specific, important niche."
— Sr. Marketing Director of global financial services company
"I have always found your study to be very insightful, and its unfiltered feedback uniquely pointed in telling us where things needed to improve."
— CEO of global insurance company, commercial division
"Great insights into ourselves ...This was one of the better, perhaps one of the best sessions of any kind I've attended… Useful, interesting, informative… Thanks."
— Regional VP, Fortune 500 Company
“We used quotes from the Won & Lost [study] as prep for the upcoming training sessions on propositions sales and training… They supported the need to be better prepared.”
— VP of Operations, global insurance company
"Thank you for the tremendous insights… This is a phenomenal report… have never seen anything like this… The senior team can and should use the findings in this report regularly in their communications... Really well done."
— SVP, Fortune 500 financial company
“I think there is a lot of upside for us to leverage your research and insights…which we can use to help guide and educate our Market Customer Leaders.”
— Sr. Strategic Relations Director, global insurance company
"I do want you to know that I always look forward to reading this study, lots of great insight into how all of our stakeholders see us in the market and what’s working/not.”
— Sr. Sales Representative for international insurance company
“Thanks for sharing this information… This gives me some good insight into some specific areas we can attack. In addition, it is very timely because I am having lunch with [the buyer] tomorrow…Thanks, again.”
— Global Account Manager for financial services company
“I distribute the report to my [sales] team, and each quarter the demand grows. People love reading it.”
— Sr. Sales Manager for global insurance company
“I very much enjoyed the webinar… Many of the qualitative points made translate into the numbers, both in competitive and pipeline analysis.”
— Global Manager of Relationships for financial services company
“Thanks so much [for the account feedback]… Looks like opportunity for improvement. Appreciate the heads-up in advance of next week's [sales] meeting.”
— SVP of global financial services company
“Thanks so much for the [research] call… Actually, your timing is perfect… Let [the underwriter] know we talked. I was really impressed with him… We’d be interested in talking [soon]… There may be a new opportunity.”
— Corporate Risk Manager for international manufacturing company
“When we met with that team a year ago, we were very impressed… Your [research] call reminds me that this is a relationship I want... I definitely would like to have a relationship with [this company].”
— CFO for International retail chain