Won & Lost Business Study

Ever wonder why a customer picked a competitor over you, or a prospect lost interest in what you were selling?

n.sights specializes in a unique research study that can deepen current customer relationships, while turning losses into leads. Through interviews with your customers and prospects, we deliver both individual account assessments and collective results that will help you... 

  • understand the motives & expectations of both your customers & prospects

  • identify service expectations and perceptions of your brand

  • respond to current market conditions & emerging trends

  • strengthen your sales and marketing strategies

  • customize your sales approach that uses the language of the buyer

  • pinpoint & strengthen at-risk business

  • develop new business

  • spot any competitive traction

  • nurture & deepen relationships with customers & prospects

  • keep a finger on the pulse of your business

  • view your product or service through your customers' eyes

We used quotes from the Won & Lost [study] as prep for the upcoming training sessions on propositions sales and training… They supported the need to be better prepared.
— VP of Operations, global insurance company